Så var det dags för semester! Vädret är lysande i Sverige – då drar vi mot översvämningar i Europa, hm…. Nåväl, förhoppningsvis är det inte så illa och visst är det kul att upptäcka nya platser och känna sig ledig ett par veckor.

Jag lovade att en lista med den nya WAS styrelsen 2009 – observera hur många kvinnor som är med denna gång:

GANESAN ADAIKAN, Research Professor and Head, Section of Sexual Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National University of Singapore

PIERRE ASSALIAN, Associate Prof,Dep of Psychiatry,McGill University

Senior Psychiatrist and Director Human Sexuality Unit, Mc Gill University Health Center, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

JAQUELINE BRENDLER, Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, certified by the Brazilian Federal Council of

Medicine (1990) and TEGO (302/1995) – Certified Specialist in Gynaecology and

Obstetrics. BRAZILIEN

MARIELA CASTRO ESPÍN, Director of the National Centre for Sex Education (CENESEX). President of the Cuban Multidisciplinary Society for the Study of Sexuality CUBA (Fidel Castros dotter btw)

ROSEMARY COATES, Prof, Sexology Programmes, School of Public Health, Curtin University, Perth, Western, AUSTRALIA

UWEMEDIMO, UKO ESIET, Co-founder and Director of Action Health Incorporated (AHI), NIGERIA


CRISTINA TANIA FRIDMAN, Profesora Universitaria de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Asignatura Sexualidad y Salud. Carrera de Psicología.  ARGENTINA

ALAIN J. GIAMI, Director of Research (Research Professor) at the French National Institute of Health and

Medical Research (INSERM) Associate Professor : Doctoral Program in Psychology : Université Paris 8 – Saint – Denis / FRANCE

WOET L. GIANOTTEN, Rehabilitation sexologist, De Trappenberg, Centre for Physical Rehabilitation, Luizen, THE NETHERLANDS

YUKO HIGASHI, Associate Professor, Osaka Prefecture University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social Welfare, 1-1, Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai JAPAN

CHARLOTTA LOFGRENMARTENSON Associate Professor in Health and Society, sexological alignment, Auth. Spec. in Clin. Sexology, Malmö University, SWEDEN

SARA NASSERZADEH, Psychosexual Therapist, Private Practice, Independent Consultant in Sexual Health Policy and Education, Guest lecturer in academic settings, Iran and USA

PEDRO JORGE DA SILVA COELHO NOBRE, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, PORTUGAL

AMINTA PURA PARRACOLMENÁREZ UNIDAD Coordinator Of The Project "Promotion Of Sexual Health" Assigned To The Direction Of The Central University Of VENEZUELA

LUIS PERELMAN, President of Federación Mexicana de Educación Sexual y Sexología, A.C. FEMESS

Co director of El Armario Abierto, WAS honorary prize for sexuality education 2003

Vice President World Congress of GLBT Jews Keshet Gaavá

Co founder and Board Member Asociación Internacional de Familias por la Diversidad

Sexual ( World Network of Spanish-Speaking groups of families with GLBT members

inspired in the model of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, PFLAG) MEXICO

NADINE TERREIN-ROCCATTI, Instituto Tecnólogico y de Etudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Estado de México (ITESM-CEM) Professor in the Master and the Doctorate of the EGAP (school of Graduates

in Public Administration and Public Politics) MEXICO

P.J. MATT TILLEY, Currently enrolled in Masters of Clinical Psychology , Postgraduate Diploma Psychology (Counselling)

Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences – Psychology & Sociology Double major) Lecturer; Undergraduate & Postgraduate Coordinator Sexology Program, School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology, Western AUSTRALIA

KEVAN WYLIE Consultant in Sexual Medicine & Consultant Andrologist. o Directorate of Urology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield,  Adjunct Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine (aligned -Faculty of Health Sciences, UNITED KINGDOM

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